Our Team


District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Devon Smith

Devon said yes to God and the call to ministry as a teenager. Devon has served the church in many roles over the past 30 years, including planting or helping plant three churches, Youth Pastor, Lead Pastor of a Church with a Daycare, and Dean of Online Learning at Oklahoma Wesleyan University where he designed and started the Online CROSS Training program and directed the Masters of Apologetics program. In July 2019, Devon was elected as the District Superintendent of the Tri-State District. Devon and his wife, Annette, have been married for almost 30 years. 

Devon is passionate about helping develop disciple-makers throughout Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and beyond to help provide opportunities to connect people to God for life.

In his spare time, Devon loves to spend time with his family, go running, and fly airplanes.

Email: dsmith@tsdwc.org

District Executive Assistant

Rev. Belinda Selfridge

Growing up as a pastor's kid, Belinda has never stopped serving in the church, and as a result, pastoral families have a special place in her heart. She has served in a wide variety of capacities from small group leader (20+ yrs), children's ministry leader (30+ yrs), board member and secretary for 17 years, worship team (30+ yrs), missions team, district youth camp director, and Family Pastor (5 yrs). Selfridge also has a technology background with skills in office technology and social media marketing.

Belinda is passionate about families, discipleship, worship, and missions.

In her spare time, Belinda loves to travel, ride her motorcycle, sing/play music, play board games, and spend time with family and friends.

Email: belinda@tsdwc.org